Accommodation & Facilities

As part of a teacher's contract, Sias University is required to provide on-campus housing for them. All foreign teachers live on the Sias campus in Peter Hall. It has three wings - A, B, and C. Most teachers are housed in the A and B wings, which had major renovations in 2020.

If a teacher is married and coming as a family, they will have an additional third room. If both husband and wife plan on teaching, and the family has more than 2 or more children, they qualify for a larger family apartment in the C wing. All single apartments across the 3 wings will include a bed, bedside table, closet, desk, chair, couch, bookshelf, TV, and dorm size refrigerator. Also included are sheets and a comforter for the bed. All the rooms have access to WiFi. LAN connections are also available in each room.

Peter Hall also has two laundry rooms with washers and dryers (one in the A/B wing, and one in the C wing), a rooftop 'Tea Room' which serves as a common room, 6 meeting rooms, a conference room, game room (with pool table and table tennis table), cafeteria, a garden space, and the Bridge Café that serves Western food.

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) does its best to ensure that teachers have a 'soft landing' when they arrive in China.

The Sias campus has two gyms, a swimming pool, a bowling alley, a golf driving range, three running tracks (two outdoor and one indoor), dozens of basketball courts, several gardens and garden spaces, a stunning library, and over a hundred restaurants and tea shops.

A/B Wing Single Apartment Bedroom

C Wing Single Apartment Bedroom

A/B Wing Single Apartment Living Room

A/B Wing Double Apartment Bedroom

A/B Wing Double Apartment Bedroom

A/B Wing Kitchenette

C Wing Family Apartment Living Room

A/B Wing Laundry Room (Washers)

A/B Wing Laundry Room (Dryers)

Game Room

A/B Wing Meeting Room

The Bridge Café