Charity Banquet

    Sias University's annual Charity Banquet is held to raise money and awareness for the difficulties faced by underprivileged students and their families. It provides a platform to help the students whose families have economic difficulties complete their studies. The Banquet hosts both foreign and Chinese guests, as well as members of the Sias hierarchy, department leaders, teachers, and students.

    The Charity Banquet includes a cocktail party, silent auction, dinner, and a live auction. There are also a variety of performances during the evening. The silent auction includes works of calligraphy, oil paintings, porcelain, book collections, sculptures, and other works of art that attracted bids from the guests. In 2020, the Banquet focused on orphan students' setbacks, their hard work, and their goals. All the money raised is directed towards helping students.

    The Founder, and Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, has said that social responsibility is something that should concern everyone, and efforts should be made to help those less fortunate in society. A harmonious society depended on the kindness and generosity of those in more privileged positions.

    Every year, over 6,000 students at Sias are identified as those in need of financial assistance. Sias pays special attention to these students and helps them to complete their studies in various ways such as welfare activities, auctions, donations, and publicity through the official university website, microblogs, WeChat, and social media. Teachers, staff, and alumni have also contributed to this mobilization. Since 2015, Sias has provided academic and financial support to over 25,500 students through its activities, grants, scholarships, part-time jobs, and special assistance.

    In 2020, Sias founded the Sias Education Development Foundation. As one of the few educational development foundations in China, it will promote and improve the progress and development of philanthropy and education at Sias.

    It is hoped that the Banquet also provides a platform for industry leaders to build bridges of communication with each other.