Sias University founded the School of Pre-School Education in March 2021. The school was established to follow guidelines on the "National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan" and the "Henan Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan". The goal is to deepen industry-university cooperation, promote the development of the university, and nurture high-quality application-oriented talent for society.
Since the establishment of the School of Pre-School Education, Sias has explored opportunities for the integration of education with industry for learning, research, application, talent supply, innovation, and the improvement of the quality of the school itself. The school formulates training plans with enterprises to create professional courses, produce good teachers, provide teaching and practice bases, and expand its own work. This level of cooperation helps with teaching management, academic management, enrollment publicity, and employment guidance. According to the "National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan" from the Ministry of Education, this cooperation enables the implementation of "1+X" degrees in addition to the learning of several vocational skills. The training involves pre-service training and post-service training to improve the students' employability.
In order to produce practical ability, innovation, and creativity among its students, the School of Pre-School Education not only sets up teaching courses but has increased the importance of practice. The Experimental Training Room is created based on actual teaching needs and talent training plans. The school hopes that students will learn and understand their education through practice and implement what they learn to establish a seamless transition to employment and a strong connection with future employers. At present, the school has 6 training facilities - a Montessori Teaching & Training Room, Manual & Play Teaching Aids Production Training Room, Piano Training Room, Orff Music Training Room, Children's Picture Book Reading Training Room, and the Children's Science Education Training Room.
The School of Pre-School Education has also signed over 100 cooperative agreements with kindergartens, nurseries, and educational training institutes to meet the demand for internships among students.