Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI)
Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index is an interdisciplinary citation index program in China. It was developed by Nanjing University's Institute for Chinese Social Sciences Research and Assessment, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1998, and was established in 2000. This citation database covers about 500 Chinese academic journals from the humanities and social sciences. Many leading Chinese universities and institutes use CSSCI as a basis for the evaluation and promotion of academic achievements.
Ei Compendex
Ei Compendex is an engineering bibliographic database published by Elsevier. It is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world. It provides a truly holistic and global view of peer-reviewed and indexed publications with over 20 million records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines.
The name "Compendex" stands for COMPuterized ENgineering inDEX. It covers scientific literature pertaining to engineering materials. It started in 1884 under the name Engineering Index and its first electronic bulletin was issued in 1967.
The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) is a commercial citation index product of Clarivate Analytics. It was originally developed by the Institute for Scientific Information from the Science Citation Index. The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index and indexes over 3,000 social sciences journals covering 56 research fields, including politics, economy, law, education, psychology, geography, and history, from 1985 to the present.
It is one of the most influential and authoritative citation index databases in the world. Through its unique citation retrieval, one can understand the evolution of research content and research direction, not limited by the change of keywords.
Chinese Core Journals at Peking University
The library at Peking University is a library that boasts rich resources, state-of-the-art facilities, and advanced digital/web technology. It is a library that enhances teaching, learning, and scientific research. Readers at the Sias library have access to the Core Chinese Journals at Peking University.
Science Citation Index (SCI) Journals
The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a citation index originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was officially launched in 1964 and is now owned by Clarivate Analytics. The larger version (Science Citation Index Expanded) covers more than 9,200 notable and significant journals, across 178 disciplines, from 1900 to the present. These are alternatively described as the world's leading journals of science and technology, because of a rigorous selection process.
Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD) Journals
The Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD) was founded in 1989. The source journals of its core database have been selected by a strict process of professional selection, and are authoritative in various research fields. The CSCD includes more than 1,000 Chinese and English core journals published in many disciplines in China. In addition to the general retrieval function, the system also provides a new type of citation retrieval function, which can be used to find the citation of scientific and technological literature from millions of citations, as well as from related published literature through the name of the literature and the author's name. The Chinese scientometrics index database derived from the Chinese Science Citation Index database is of great help to the metrology and citation analysis of scientific literature in China.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) Journals
The Arts & Humanities Citation Index, also known as Arts & Humanities Search, is a citation index with abstracting and indexing for over 1,800 journals across 28 arts & humanities disciplines. More than 4.9 million records and 33.4 million cited references date back from 1975 to the present.