Sias News

20th International Culture Week begins

October 30, 2018

The opening ceremony of Sias International University's 20th International Culture Week was held on October 29 in Sias' Italian Square. Sias leaders, Chinese and foreign guests, as well as many local folk artists were present at the ceremony. The Deputy Director of the Office of International Affairs, Yue Junliang, presided over the ceremony.

Sias President, Chen Sikun, delivered a speech and welcomed the guests on behalf of Sias. He thanked the students and teachers who had worked hard for the upcoming International Culture Week. He said that it was a window for students to understand and view the world with its different cultures and countries. On the occasion of Sias' 20th anniversary, the role of the International Culture Week took on more significance as renowned scholars from China and abroad were visiting to give lectures and take part in the festivities. He said that he hoped that this would encourage students and teachers at Sias to learn from the world, promote international cultural exchanges, broaden their horizons, and thereby help Sias continue to grow.

The Executive President of Sias, Wang Jialin, formally announced the opening of Sias' 20th International Culture Week. Following the announcement, members of the School of Physical Education performed a traditional Lion Dance. The first day of the International Culture Week (China Day) began with a colorful display of traditional Chinese folk art, textiles, portrait painting, calligraphy, gourd pyrography, a weaver's loom, and a traditional raree-show (la yang pian) in the Italian Square. Other locations on campus had a traditional Chinese art exhibition, photography exhibition, and other cultural and educational exhibits.

The International Culture Week will be held for 6 days, from October 29 to November 3, and will include designated days for celebrating the cultures from different regions of the world - China Day, Asia Day, Latin America & Africa Day, Europe Day, and North America & Australia Day.

Sias' 20th International Culture Week began at the Italian Square

Sias leaders at the Opening Ceremony

Deputy Director of the Office of International Affairs, Yue Junliang

Sias President, Chen Sikun

Executive President, Wang Jialin

Traditional Chinese Lion Dance

China Day

Traditional Chinese Raree Show

China Day

China Day

China Day

China Day

China Day

China Day

China Day

China Day

Sias' Italian Square on China Day

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