Sias News

Sias Leaders tour campus on First Day of Classes

February 28, 2018

After the end of the Winter Vacation, and the return of students back to Sias for the second semester of the 2017/18 academic year, the Sias leadership visited students in their classrooms on February 26, the first day of classes. The Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, along with the Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng, Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming, and other school leaders from the Administrative Office, the Party Committee, the Deans' Office, and the Logistics Department, were among the leaders who visited the classrooms.

The leaders interacted with students and teachers to get their feedback with regard to academic questions, the general classroom environment, the operation of the teaching equipment, and the overall experience of returning back to school after the Winter Vacation.

Visiting classes at the start of the new semester is a regular feature of the Sias leadership for the maintenance and promotion of academic growth and excellence across all departments at Sias.

Sias leaders touring the campus on the first day of classes

Sias leaders touring the campus on the first day of classes

Sias leaders touring the campus on the first day of classes

Sias leaders touring the campus on the first day of classes

Sias leaders touring the campus on the first day of classes

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