Sias News

13th Reading Festival

October 19, 2017

On the afternoon of October 18, Sias International University hosted its 13th Students' Reading Festival. Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, and Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, were in attendance, as well as the heads of all the academic schools, and a large number of teachers and students. The ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office, Ding Gongci.

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, who is on the Reading Festival Committee, introduced the planned activities and said that the purpose of the Festival was to create a strong environment and culture of reading at Sias. He said that it would open students' minds and give them a taste of different cultures as well.

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, the Director of the Reading Festival Committee, said that reading was a big part of Chinese history and culture. He said that the Festival carried on traditions that would serve Sias well in the future. He also said that he hoped that students would respond positively to the initiatives taken and would be diligent about their academics. He said that this would help students improve themselves.

The opening ceremony of the 13th Students' Reading Festival also included poetry recitation, and readings from classical Chinese literature.

The 13th Students' Reading Festival opened on October 18

Students at the opening ceremony of the 13th Students' Reading Festival

Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office, Ding Gongci

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun

Teachers from Sias' School of Arts & Science reading message

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, the Director of the Reading Festival Committee

Poetry recitation

Biography reading

Readings from Classical Chinese literature

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

School leaders visiting Reading Festival activities

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