Sias News

Renowned Chinese artists perform at Sias

June 8, 2017

On the afternoon of June 7, the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of Henan province, along with the Henan Province Department of Culture, and the Henan Province Department of Education, organized a performance of renowned artists at Sias International University. Sias was represented by the Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, and Assistant Principal Guo Xuede. The chief guests were Vice Chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, a leader of Henan Opera, a member of the National People's Congress, President of the Henan School of Opera, Chairman of the Henan Federation of Literary and Art Associations, nationally renowned actor, Li Shujian; Director of the Chinese Dramatists Association, Vice Chairman of the Henan Drama Association, Party Secretary of the Henan Opera House, nationally renowned actor, Wang Quanzhen; Director of the Chinese Folk Art Association, Director of the Chinese Academy of Theatrical Performance, Vice Chairman of the Henan Federation of Literary and Art Associations, Chairman of the Henan Province Folk Art Association, nationally renowned actor, Fan Jun; actor, and member of the Chinese Dramatists Association, Zhang Xiaoying; and Henan Opera performer, Li Pengjie.

In a speech delivered on behalf of Sias International University, Party Secretary Fei Hexiang, welcomed the artists and performers to Sias. He hoped that the performances and interaction would inspire teachers and students to take part in, and contribute to the traditional Henan Opera. After his speech, a short film about the origins, development, and different styles of Henan Opera was shown.

Li Shujian then delivered a lecture in which he gave advice to aspiring actors and performers on choosing the right role, focusing on performance details and long-term planning. He performed certain famous songs, after which he interacted with students. There were also performances by Wang Quanzhen, Fan Jun, Zhang Xiaoying, and Li Pengjie.

The lectures and performances were held to encourage and guide aspiring students in artistic accomplishment, and theatrical performance with regard to the Henan Opera.

On the 7th of June, renowned artists performed at Sias

Henan TV host, Guan Feng, presided over the event

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang

Gift exchange

Nationally renowned actor, Li Shujian

Li Shujian

Li Shujian interacting with students

Li Shujian interacting with students

Wang Quanzhen interacting with students

Wang Quanzhen

Fan Jun

Live performances

Live performances

Live performances

Live performances

Group photo

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