Sias News

2017 Summer Work Conference

July 28, 2017

Sias International University held its annual Summer Work Conference from July 25 to 27. The goal of the 2017 Conference was to continue the progress shown in the Sino-foreign educational concepts of Sias and increase the unity among staff based on the common goals laid out at the Conference. The leaders discussed several issues at the Conference including the continued development of Sias, new ideas in education, the future goals of Sias, and the progress of Sias' unique campus. The Sias leadership was present at the Conference, including the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen; Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang; Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun; Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming; Vice President, Liu Shuqin; Proctor, Han Xiaoai; and Assistant Principals, Sun Rujian, and Guo Xuede. The leadership of all departments and schools were also present, including the Chairman of the Parents' Committee, and the President of the Student Union.

The Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, briefed those present on the new structural changes at Sias and the adjustments that will follow. He said that these changes made the 2017 Summer Work Conference particularly important. In his report, titled 'Shaping the Future', he encouraged the Sias leadership to adapt to modern educational trends and formulate long-term strategic development goals. He stressed the importance of a development strategy for Sias that would incorporate elements of globalization and international education.

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, made a special report on the tasks that lie ahead for Sias. In it, he included Sias' development goals, achievements, and current problems. He spoke about the need for the implementation of measures to solve these problems by the 20th anniversary of Sias in 2019. He said that it was an opportunity to improve the regulatory system for teaching and learning so that close attention could be given to the continual improvement of the quality of education at Sias.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Shawn Chen spoke about "Educational Innovation". He spoke about the importance of innovation, the factors that influence it, the role of science and technology in the development of innovation, and the challenges faced in higher education innovation. He said that a main goal for the coming academic year was the implementation of a model of sustainable development for higher education at Sias.

Assistant Principal, Sun Rujian, also spoke on the opening day. His presentation revolved around the history of Sias, and how to carry forward this legacy while focusing on research-based education. He also spoke of the challenges for decision-making with regard to the running of a university amidst modern development trends and reform in an era of social change. He said that the decisions made now will form the basis for the next 5-year development plan, as well as the status of Sias in 20 years.

Assistant Principal, Guo Xuede, said that Sias was on the cusp of a new development phase and faced challenges with regard to continuing the progress and development shown in the past academic year. He analyzed several problems which have affected the development of Sias and spoke of how Sias needs to bring in, develop, nurture, and retain experts and talented professionals.

The 2017 Summer Work Conference included breakout sessions on the 26th and 27th, where academic initiatives for the coming academic year (2017-18) were discussed, along with the related staff responsibilities. Particular focus was given to maximizing the potential of Sias, building momentum for future development, and honest introspection.

At the end of the 3-day Conference, Dr. Shawn Chen thanked the staff from various departments for their active participation and dedication. He said that Sias was at a turning point in its history, and a long-term strategic plan was necessary for its development. He encouraged all departments to work together to realize the goals of the Conference.

2017 Summer Work Conference

Live performance

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, presided over the Conference

Participant discussions

Participant discussions

Participant discussions

Participant discussions

Participant discussions

Participant discussions

Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun

Vice President of Nanjing University, Shang Jimin

2017 Summer Work Conference

Gift exchange

Dr. Shawn Chen presenting a special report

Forum discussion

Forum discussion

Forum discussion

Assistant Principal, Sun Rujian

Assistant Principal, Guo Xuede

2017 Summer Work Conference

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun







Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang








Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun


























Dr. Shawn Chen

Group photo

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