Sias News

2017-18 Freshmen arrive at Sias

September 4, 2017

On August 27, the first batch of freshmen of the academic year 2017-18 arrived at Sias International University. The welcoming of freshmen is an important tradition at Sias and involves the school leadership, staff, student volunteers, and parents. Between August 27 and September 3, more than 7,600 freshmen arrived at Sias.

In order to make sure that the entry, processing, and orientation of such a large number of freshmen is smooth and efficient, the Sias leadership held a series of meetings to formulate plans for the logistics related to the incoming freshmen. This included traffic information, arrangements in the student dormitories, and the setting up of volunteer groups to help freshmen and their parents with any questions or problems they may have.

The provisions made by Sias in addition to the freshman registration included on-site logistical assistance, admissions counseling, financial counseling, and a parents' rest area. Teams of trained volunteers were able to provide assistance and advice, as well as provide one-on-one attention to each incoming freshman. Sias implemented the use of several media platforms and initiatives to aid in the entry, registration, and orientation of the freshmen, including real-time aerial traffic information, and the dissemination of information on official microblogs and jumbotrons on campus. Throughout the day there were student performances to welcome the freshmen by various student groups including the Sias Cheerleading Team and the Sias marching band.

On the 2nd of September, Sias held a special meeting for the parents of incoming freshmen, so that they would be able to fully understand the educational concept of the university. Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, thanked the parents for their attendance and introduced them to the history, development process, and educational philosophy of the university. Also at the meeting were Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun, Vice President, Liu Shuqin, Sias Proctor, Han Xiaoai, and leaders of various departments and schools.

On August 27, Sias began to welcome the freshmen for 2017-18

Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming

Freshman students arriving at their dormitories

Welcoming freshman students to Sias

Executive Vice President, Dong Qiming, welcomed students to Sias

Freshmen checking in

Freshmen checking in

Freshmen checking in

Freshmen checking in

Freshmen checking in

Freshmen checking in

The Sias Security Office guided the flow of traffic

Student welcoming team

Sias buses left for Zhengzhou Railway Station at 5 a.m.

Sias buses leaving for Zhengzhou Railway Station

Sias volunteers greet freshmen at Zhengzhou Railway Station

Sias volunteers greet freshmen at Zhengzhou Railway Station

Welcoming freshmen on campus

Welcoming freshmen on campus

Welcoming freshmen on campus

Sias volunteers helped freshmen with their baggage

Sias volunteers helping freshmen

Sias volunteers helping freshmen

Sias leaders inspecting the preparation for the orientation

Orientation preparation inspection

Orientation preparation inspection

Orientation preparation inspection

Orientation preparation inspection

Orientation preparation inspection

Orientation preparation inspection

Sias volunteer

Sias Security Officer guiding the flow of traffic

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

Sias volunteers

On-site registration

Freshmen receiving their orientation kit

Freshmen receiving their orientation kit

Freshmen at the Basketball Arena

Freshman registration at the Central Fountain Square

Sias marching band

Flag-raising ceremony

Student performances

Student performances

Student performances

Student performances

Student performances

Student performances

Freshmen's parents' meeting

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang

Sias President, Dr. Chen Sikun

Parents' representative

Sias helicopter

Sias helicopter

Live traffic updates on the jumbotron


Welcome to Sias!

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