Sias News

Sias leaders speak at Maternal & Child Health Seminar

March 9, 2017

Sias International University leaders were invited to speak at the Zhengzhou University Hospital for the 107th International Women's Day on March 8. Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang, delivered a speech, as did Sias School Union President, Wang Xiaojie. They spoke of the important role that female faculty members play in the development of universities.

Professor of Maternal and Child Health, and Director of the Henan Province's Obstetric Hospital, Xu Yajuan, spoke at the faculty building. Professor Xu Yajuan delivered a lecture on how to give birth to a healthy baby, as well as preparations during pregnancy, prenatal care, nutrition, and psychology, giving detailed guidance for prenatal screening, with an emphasis on natural childbirth.

After the seminar, there were interactive sessions during which Professor Xu Yajuan gave solutions to questions about women's health during pregnancy. The seminar and following sessions that focused on specific theoretical guidance were a part of the International Women's Day activities.

The seminar on Maternal and Child Health at Zhengzhou University Hospital

President of the Sias School Union, Wang Xiaojie

Sias Party Secretary, Fei Hexiang

Professor of Maternal and Child Health, and Director of the Henan Province’s Obstetric Hospital, Xu Yajuan

Group photo

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