Sias News

Sias hosts Central Plains Ballroom Dancing Competition

May 2, 2016

Sias International University hosted the 10th Central Plains Open Ballroom Dancing Competition, organized by the Dancer's Association of Henan Province. The competition was held in Sias' Basketball Arena.

The opening ceremony was a feast for fans of Latin dance, with performances by world-famous dancers, Ferdinando Iannaccone & Yulia Musikhina, and the Beijing Baihui Group. There were also performances by the Sias dance teams. In the spirit of fairness, impartiality, and openness, the organizing committee invited a large number of judges, including professionals who competed at the World Championships.

The competition lasted for 4 days, with a variety of categories including the professional group, adult-age group, professional college group, colleges and universities group, youth group, and children's group. Contestants came from Beijing, and the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan, and Henan. There were over 180 teams with more than 10,000 contestants that entered this competition, ranging from the ages of 5 to 60.

10th Central Plains Open Ballroom Dancing Competition at the Sias Basketball Arena

The judges

Dr. Shawn Chen wished the contestants

Fu Qing, Vice President, Dancer's Association of Henan province

Sias President Dr. Chen Sikun

Dr. Chen Sikun presenting awards

The contestants

Li Xin, Principal of the Sias Secondary Specialized School of Art

Bai Yuxin, swearing the oath for the contestants

Sias students' performance

Sias students' performance

Sias students' performance

Sias students' performance

World-famous dancers, Ferdinando Iannaccone & Yulia Musikhina

World-famous dancers, Ferdinando Iannaccone & Yulia Musikhina

Beijing Baihui Group Dance

Beijing Baihui Group Dance



The award winners

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