Sias News

2015 Sias Homecoming

June 8, 2015

Sias' annual Homecoming was held across the campus, with a large parade, music performances, cultural shows, art, and a calligraphy exhibition. The University leadership, guests, alumni, and parents gathered at Sias on this day. Over 6,000 students graduated from Sias this year. After a whole host of activities and interactive forums, the day ended with Sias' first 'Colour Run.'

Beginning at 8 a.m., a variety of decorated floats kicked off the Homecoming parade. The floats, made by students and faculty members, were decorated with themes that focused on culture and the various academic departments at Sias.

After the parade, a ceremony and concert were held at the Opera Theater on moral education for members of the National Private Universities Association. Among other academicians, there were over 260 members from 22 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 3 municipalities present at this event. They included Wang Huijiong, President and former Deputy Director of the State Development Research Center, Colin Wu, the Executive Vice President of the US-China Business Association, Li Qiaoyun, President of Sophia University, Lin Li Juan Vice President of I-Shou University delegation vice president, a delegation from the University of West Los Angeles, a delegation from Pennsylvania State University, a delegation from Iran's Edalat University, a delegation from Zhengzhou's First International Conference for Global Preparation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a delegation from the Second New Media Forum for Henan University, Li Taoran, the Director of the Education Bureau of Zhengzhou City, Dr. Shawn Chen, the Chairman of the Board of Sias, Fei Hexiang, Sias Party Secretary, Dr. Richard Li Hua, the Sias President, Li Huafeng, Deputy Party Secretary, and Sias Supervisor, Xiao Yunlong.

Dr. Shawn Chen delivered the welcome speech and spoke about the American tradition of Homecoming that Sias had adopted. Every year, Sias' Homecoming invites both domestic and foreign experts and scholars who share their research and insights on life, inspiring the graduating students and broadening their horizons. Some of the guests who delivered speeches were Dr. Mirta Martin, the President of Fort Hays State University, Dr. Robert Brown, the President of West Los Angeles University, Dr. Li Qiaoyun, the President of Sophia University, Lin Li Juan, the Vice President of I-Shou University, and Wang Huijiong, President and former Deputy Director of the State Development Research Center.

Representatives of the parents thanked the University and expressed their hope that students would have valued their education and would use it for the nation. Later, the China-U.S. Strategy and Innovation Center (CUSIR) was launched. Dr. Richard Li Hua introduced the concept, mission, and context of the Center, and Colin Wu, the Executive Vice President of the US-China Business Association, delivered a speech. Finally, Dr. Shawn Chen, Dr. Richard Li Hua, Colin Wu, Deng Tao, and Wang Huijong inaugurated the Research Center together.

Dr. Shawn Chen, Chairman of the Board of Sias, announced the start of the parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Dr. Shawn Chen and Dr. Mirta Martin, President of Fort Hays State University, take part in the Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Homecoming parade

Dr. Shawn Chen delivering a speech

Dr. Shawn Chen and Dr. Mirta Martin exchange gifts

Dr. Robert Brown, leader of the delegation from West Los Angeles University

Dr. Li Qiaoyun, President of Sophia University

Lin Li Juan, Vice President of I-Shou University

Wang Huijiong, President and former Deputy Director of the State Development Research Center

Du Shaobo, from the Henan University New Media Forum

The parents' representative

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Theatrical performances

Kayaking contest

Kayaking contest

Birdman competition

Birdman competition

Parents' seminar

Debate competition

Debate competition

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

The Color Run

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