Sias News

14th International Culture Week

November 13, 2012

Sias International University held its annual International Culture Week from October 29 to November 3. The International Culture Week is held to enhance the cross-cultural communication between faculty, students, foreign faculty, and international students.

On China Day, many folk art shows are held in the Italian Square, including paper cutting, clay sculpture, calligraphy, and pyrography. At a traditional Chinese culture exhibition, there was a Tai Chi show and stunt show.

On Asia day, the international students from countries across Asia dressed in their traditional clothes and performed traditional dances on stage. On Latin America and Africa Day, there was a football match, Halloween parade, and masquerade which provided students with a chance to learn about other cultures. On European Day, a pirate show attracted many people. A hockey game and mini-golf, held on North America and Australia Day, also drew a lot of attention from the students.

The High Table Dinner organized by the Student Affairs Office and the International Cooperation & Exchange Department (ICED) focused on improving the etiquette and knowledge of students while giving them the experience of a formal western dinner.

The International Culture Week Finale was held on November 3. Many international guests, university leaders, and almost 1,000 teachers and students attended the event. A group of primary school students from Sun Village, whose parents are either on death row or are incarcerated for long periods, put on an extremely moving finger language performance - A Grateful Heart. Other performances included stunts, group dances, and Tai Chi.

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