Sias News

Sias holds first In-Semester Evaluation Meeting

September 30, 2020

Sias University's first evaluation meeting of the 2020/21 academic year was held on September 30. Vice President, Zhao Yuxin, presided over the meeting that was attended by members of the teaching quality monitoring and evaluation center, and the leaders of the 8 special teams for evaluation.

At the meeting, the leaders of the 8 special groups reported the progress of the evaluation in September. The special working group on evaluation carried out the following tasks in September:

- they organized the study of evaluation documents, and reached a consensus;

- evaluation meetings were held to streamline work, and assign responsibilities according to the index system;

- they set up the evaluation working group, established evaluation organizations, and determined contact persons for each member unit;

- by comparing the index system, and finding out existing problems they formulated evaluation work plans for the academic year.

In view of the existing problems with evaluation work, Zhao Yuxin said that each special group should make sure that they avoid misunderstandings when carrying out their work. He also presented 3 points:

- First, members of each group should always prioritize the evaluation work;

- Second, they should avoid a mechanical division of labor in the index system;

- Third, groups should make sure that they do not limit the use of supporting materials.

Zhao Yuxin also made special arrangements for the next step in evaluation at Sias:

- Each special working group should have an overall plan according to first level indicators, and focus on plans for each observation point. These plans should be detailed, time-sensitive, and assigned to specific personnel;

- In the process of the preparations for evaluation work, groups are encouraged to do their best, even when the workload is low;

- Organize seminars, implement work plans, and work towards inter-departmental coordination;

- Each group should take the initiative to improve research and study, with continual self-assessment and self-examination.

The first evaluation meeting of the 2020/21 academic year

Vice President, Zhao Yuxin

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