Sias News

School of Physical Education holds Unveiling Ceremony of New Majors

October 16, 2020

Sias University's School of Physical Education held an unveiling ceremony for the launch of new academic disciplines at the CUBA Training Facility on October 14. The disciplines included Physical Education & Training (Key Discipline in Henan), Physical Education (First Class), and Physical Education (Brand Specialization in Private Colleges & Universities in Henan). The Founder, and Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen, was present along with the leaders of the Communist Party Committee, and the heads of the School of Physical Education. The entire staff of the School was also present.

The Vice Dean of the School of Physical Education, Ma Ruihua, presided over the ceremony, with the leaders cutting the ribbon for the unveiling ceremony together.

Dr. Chen congratulated the School on its achievements. He said that it was not only an honor for the School of Physical Education but also Sias University. He said that he hoped that the School would use the unveiling ceremony as a launchpad to raise the profile of the various special majors and training as a vital academic discipline and a first-class degree in Henan.

The Dean of the School of Physical Education, He Zuxin, said that under the leadership at Sias, the School would focus on encouraging teachers to build on their achievements and provide students with new and unique advantages for their growth.

Unveiling Ceremony for New Disciplines at the School of Physical Education

Founder, and Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen

Leaders at the Unveiling Ceremony

Group photo

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