Sias News

School of Foreign Languages Organizes Live Online CET-4 Tutoring Course

April 1, 2020

In order to motivate students' English learning and improve their pass rate in the CET-4 and CET-6 examinations, Sias University's School of Foreign Languages (SFL) organized a live online tutoring course for the CET-4 examination conducted by Sias' foreign faculty from March 30 to April 1, at 7:30 p.m. every evening.

In a lecture, Wang Chaoyi, an Associate Professor at Northwest Normal University, analyzed and explained the methods of translation and composition, as well as reading comprehension, listening, and analysis. He used real questions from tests of previous years' examinations as examples and demonstrated the steps and skills required to answer the questions correctly in combinations with different types of questions. Wang Chaoyi also stressed that the learning and teaching of English should not only focus on the skills necessary to pass examinations but should focus on the improvement of students' English learning ability.

The online tutoring sessions were comprehensive in their scope with detailed explanations, yet simple enough for students to understand what was required of them for the CET-4 examinations through the improvement of their English skills, as well as their confidence.

Sias' School of Foreign Languages organized an online CET-4 tutoring course

Sias' School of Foreign Languages organized an online CET-4 tutoring course

Sias' School of Foreign Languages organized an online CET-4 tutoring course

Sias' School of Foreign Languages organized an online CET-4 tutoring course

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