Sias News

2019 Track & Field Games

April 22, 2019

Sias University held its annual Track & Field Games on April 18 and 19 at its Track & Field Stadium.

The Opening Ceremony of the Games was held on April 18. The chief guests at the ceremony were the General Manager of Hollywood Production Center (HPC) China, Hu Mingyu; Chief Strategy Officer at HPC China, Wang Yang; HPC3 CEO, Chris Edwards; Global CEO at HPC China, Dong Fan; Dean of the Henan Worker's Hospital, Wang Xudong; CEO of Alsinah Education Consulting, Waqas Khaliq; Officers of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) stationed in Henan, Hu Jiangtao, and Fei Yulong; and the Deputy General Manager of Henan Taile Culture Communication Co., Dong Xiaolei. Sias was represented by the Founder and Chairman of the Board, Dr. Shawn Chen, Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng, Sias President, Chen Sikun, Executive President, Wang Jialin, Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng, Vice President, Wu Hua, and Prof. Guo Junfeng. Over 1,000 teachers and students from various departments, academic schools, and residential colleges took part in the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony began with a parade by the Sias Military Marching Band. This was followed by the parade of contestants that involved students and employees of Sias in their respective groups, including student associations, residential colleges, academic schools, the World Academy for the Future of Women (WAFW), the Sias Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team, referees, foreign faculty, and the logistics department.

After the playing of the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, Dr. Shawn Chen lit the torch symbolizing the Olympic spirit, following which the Track & Field Games were officially open.

Chen Sikun delivered the opening speech after Dr. Chen had introduced the guests. He wished the athletes, teams, and referees, and thanked the students and teachers who had worked hard to prepare for the Games. He said that while the nation depended heavily on education, the health of the people was the first priority. He said that the Track & Field Games were an important part of Sias culture and hoped that it would instill a variety of qualities in the participants including athleticism, positiveness, fairness, team spirit, and a fighting spirit as well. He said that he hoped that the Games would be conducted in a fair manner and with sportsmanship. He said that the Games were also a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as well as the 20th anniversary of Sias University.

The athletes' representative and the referees' representative then led the two groups in the swearing of an oath for fairness and sportsmanship.

Student groups put on large-scale cultural and artistic performances as part of the opening ceremony. The primary themes of the choreographed displays were the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 20th anniversary of Sias University.

After the performances, Ma Jiansheng officially announced the beginning of the events.

After two days of intense competition, the Closing Ceremony was held at the same venue. Li Huafeng presided over the Ceremony and announced the end of the Games. After the playing of the national anthem of China, the Dean of the School of Physical Education, He Zuxin, announced the results of the 2019 Track & Field Games. The Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Office, Chu Jinjin, announced the results of the Spiritual Civilization Award.

Prof. Guo Junfeng presented awards for excellence and special contributions. Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng, presented the awards for first, second, and third places of the Spiritual Civilization Awards. Sias President, Chen Sikun, presented the awards for best male and female athletes, and Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng presented awards to the top 3 students in Group A.

Ma Jiansheng delivered the closing speech and congratulated the athletes for their achievements. He also expressed his gratitude to the referees and staff who worked to make the Games a success. He pointed out that sports brought about a spirit of unity and perseverance that was vital for society. He also said that hoped that the success of these Games would encourage more students to engage in sports for a healthy lifestyle. He then officially announced the closing of the 2019 Track & Field Games.

2019 Track & Field Games

2019 Track & Field Games

Vice President, Wu Hua

Honor Guard

Sias Marching Band

Sias Cheerleading Team

Team representatives

Student Union

World Academy for the Future of Women (WAFW)

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Team

Parents Supervision Team

University Leadership's Assistant's Team

School of Continuing Education

Referees team

Administration Office representatives

Foreign Faculty

School of Electronics & Information Engineering faculty team

School of Law faculty team

School of International Education faculty team

School of Nursing faculty team

School of Continuing Education faculty team

School of Architecture faculty team

School of Accounting faculty team

School of Marxism faculty team

School of Business faculty team

School of Literature faculty team

School of Foreign Languages faculty team

School of Journalism & Communication faculty team

School of Art & Design faculty team

School of Music & Opera faculty team

The audience in the stands

Zhishan Residential College team

Huanyu Residential College team

Zhiyuan Residential College team

Boyi Residential College team

Boya Residential College team

Zhixing Residential College team

Mingli Residential College team

Siqi Residential College team

International Student team from the School of Literature

Sias Specialized Secondary School team

Sias Primary School team

Torch lighting

Torch lighting

Founder & Chairman of the Board of Sias, Dr. Shawn Chen

Sias President, Chen Sikun

Athletes' representative's oath

Referees' representative's oath

2019 Track & Field Games Opening Ceremony

Choreographed displays

Sias Marching Band

Choreographed displays

Choreographed displays

Latin Dance performance

Choreographed displays

Choreographed displays

Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng

Track & Field Games

Sack Race

Tug of War

Track & Field Games

Dr. Shawn Chen presenting awards



Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng

Dean of the School of Physical Education, He Zuxin

Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Office, Chu Jinjin

Prof. Guo Junfeng presenting awards

Li Huafeng presenting awards

Chen Sikun presenting awards

Ma Jiansheng presenting awards

Extinguishing the torch

Sias Party Secretary, Ma Jiansheng

2019 Track & Field Games

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