Sias News

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball Game

September 12, 2018

Sias' annual Faculty-Freshman Basketball game was held on September 11, at the Basketball Arena. Chairman of the Board, Dr. Shawn Chen, along with Deputy Party Secretary, Li Huafeng, led the Faculty Team ("Teachers & Workers Stars") against the freshman team ("New Stars") in a fiercely contested game. Over 1,000 people watched the game, including military instructors, teachers, heads of departments, and students.

The half-time show included a traditional lion dance, jazz dancers, hip-hop dances, artistic performances, and the Sias Cheerleading Team.

The Teachers' team won the game 88-74.

The annual Faculty-Freshman Basketball game is a tradition at Sias that was instituted to give freshmen a short break from Military Training by experiencing a part of Sias culture and thereby feeling a sense of belonging to the university.

Dr. Shawn Chen with the Teachers' Team

Teachers' Team entry

Freshman Team entry

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

2018 Faculty-Freshman Basketball game

Dr. Chen with the Freshman Team

Freshman coach discussing tactics

Freshmen cheering for their team

Freshmen cheering for their team

2018/19 Freshmen

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Half-time performances

Group photo

Dr. Chen with freshmen

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