Sias News

Sias holds Tutor (Counselor) Grade Evaluation Meeting

June 15, 2022

Sias University's 2021 Grade Evaluation Meeting for Educational Tutors (Counselors) was held on June 14. Vice President, Zheng Min, presided over the meeting. The heads of the Student Affairs Office, the General Office of Residential Colleges, the Human Resources Department, the Supervision & Audit Office, the Teacher Development Center, and the Discipline Inspection Commission, were also present.

At the meeting, Zheng Min introduced the basic information and recommendations for internal grade evaluation for Sias' educational tutors (counselors). She said that the evaluation and employment of educational tutors (counselors) was an important measure for the implementation of certain national directives for improving the teaching, scientific research, and education of educational tutors. It also promotes the ideological and political education of university students and ensures that the university adheres to socialist principles in its daily functioning. She said that she hoped that the implementation of this system would mobilize educational tutors to improve their professional qualifications and personal development.

Zheng Min said that the concerned departments should carefully select educational tutors with excellent qualifications and outstanding research achievements in accordance with the requirements of the notice on the measures for the evaluation and employment of educational tutors (counselors). She said this would create a space for their development and a platform for educational tutors at Sias.

The Director of the Student Affairs Office, and Executive Dean of the General Office of the Residential Colleges, Qin Nan, spoke about the learning measures for on-campus evaluation and employment of educational tutors (counselors) at Sias University. She also presented a report on the preliminary evaluation of the applicants for on-campus evaluation and employment for educational tutors in 2021.

At the end of the meeting, the participating experts reviewed and discussed the materials of 41 applicants, voted, and wrote reviews for all applicants.

2021 Grade Evaluation Meeting for Educational Tutors (Counselors)

Sias Vice President, Zheng Min

Director of the Student Affairs Office, and Executive Dean of the General Office of the Residential Colleges, Qin Nan

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